Polish Graphic Design
Korea Japan 2023
Book Producers
Book Producers: ポーランドが人民共和国であった時代の作家、出版社、グラフィックスタッフたちの共同作業を紹介する図解歴史。これらの先見の明と素晴らしき専門性を併せ持ったアーティストたちが、当時の困難に対峙し辿った運命に焦点が当てられている。
Photo by Bartosz Górka

The richly illustrated book shows the history of the publishing community in an unusual way - treating book designers on an equal footing with editors. Because each book is the result of the joint work of its author, the publishing and graphic staff, the designer who decided on its appearance, or even the printer. The stories of Polish publishing houses included here show not only their organizational and commercial side, but also the fate of the people associated with them. We are talking about outstanding specialists and visionaries who, while participating in the construction of the People's Republic of Poland, faced its totalitarianism. It is also the story of graphic designers working full-time in publishing houses during the Polish People's Republic; interviews with seven of them are also included in the book.


Book producers. The history of the publishing community in the times of the Polish People's Republic

Published by Karakter / ASP Katowice

Authors: Jacek Mrowczyk, Marta Pękalska, Elżbieta Jamróz-­Stolarska, Katarzyna Wójcik, Justyna Nowicka, Piotr Kitrasiewicz, Agnieszka Dziewulska, Jan Strzałka, Piotr Dobrołęck, Ilona Klimek

Design: Jacek Mrowczyk