Polish Graphic Design
Korea Japan 2023
Grzegorz Marszalek
Grzegorz Marszalekの「I Love Opportunity and I Take It」は、批評、インタビュー、およびポーランドの著名なグラフィックデザイナーによるシンプルかつ魅力的なオリジナル・カバーアートが掲載された、904ページにわたるユニークな2言語版コンピレーションである。
Photo by Bartosz Górka

“Grzegorz Marszałek I love opportunity and I take it. Posters, graphics, illustrations and other scrawls" is the only existing bilingual publication in which the entire achievements of one of the most important Polish graphic designers are collected and described. This 904-page album is a collection of critical texts, an interview and a presentation of the artist's work. In a simple publishing form - where design solutions enter into a dialogue with the Marshal's works - the artist's works are the main player. Interestingly, each cover is a separate original graphic that the Artist splashed during the production process, creating another original work.


Grzegorz Marszalek. I love opportunity and I take it. Posters, graphics, illustrations and other scrawls

Published by Silva Rerum and University of the Arts Poznan

Editor: Mateusz Bieczynski

Texts: Mateusz Bieczynski, Zdzisław Schubert, Grzegorz Marszalek

Design: Marcin Markowski