Polish Graphic Design
Korea Japan 2023
threedotstypeの標本では、Honza Zamojskiの作品におけるRubin Sansフォント、サークル関連のことわざ辞典、ビジュアル・コミュニケーションにおける矢印の探求など、タイポグラフィにおける様々な実験が紹介されており、ともすれば見過ごされがちだが本質を突いた要素に焦点を当てている。
Photo by Bartosz Górka

Edgy on purpose and Polish by origin. Founded in 2017 Threedotstype is a small-sized but big-hearted type foundry based in Wrocław, Poland. On display you can find 4 type specimens: HAHAHA / AHAHAH. From art practice to typography. Rubin Sans in Honza Zamojski’s texts and artworks in chronological order (2023-2014-2023). Variable Radius. A Pocket English–French–Polish Dictionary of circle related proverbs. “This Way! Navigation tools in visual communication” – type specimen focused on arrows and an exhibition* guide where you can find fascinating stories behind navigation tools that we use every day. “This Way! Explore special arrows in all our fonts” – “This way!” initiative will not set a course for your life, but it might explain some of the stories behind arrows which are an active, but often hidden part of our everyday life.


Threedotstype specimens

Published byThreedotstype