東京藝術大学の上野キャンパスにて、プリントコントロール社のマグダレナ・ヘリアシュ氏による講演会「ポーランドのグラフィックデザイン スピードデート」が開催されました。
Lecture by Magdalena Heliasz from PrintControl at Tokyo University of the Arts (Ueno Campus) entitled "Polish Graphic Design Speed-Dating".
The presentation was devoted to the evolution of Polish graphic design, starting from the pre-war avant-garde, through the period of communist Poland and the Polish School of Posters, the breakthrough of Solidarity, the beginnings of capitalism in design, up to the present day.
The lecture was followed by a discussion with Prof. Sunao Maruyama and Prof. Michael W. Schneider and a discussion with the audience.